What Is Asbestos
Calgary Asbestos Testing & Removal Services
As asbestos becomes higher profile, the information surrounding it becomes more convoluted. Everyone has varying levels of knowledge that is based on a bit of fact and lots of mis-information. It can be a very grey industry, even for the professionals.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that can be pulled into a fluffy consistency. Asbestos fibers are soft and flexible yet resistant to heat, electricity and corrosion. These qualities make the mineral useful, but they also make asbestos exposure highly toxic.
- In Canada, every instance of asbestos needs to be evaluated on a project specific basis, no two situations should be treated the same, they are like a fingerprint.
- Any home 1990 or older can have asbestos.
- If you plan to knock down an existing house to make way for a new, it must to be tested for asbestos. If there is asbestos present, it must be remediated prior to demolition.